2016 Democrats, Counting Delegates, History, State of the Race, Uncategorized

Hillary Barely Escapes. Again.

May 18, 2016

Hillary Clinton narrowly escaped doom yesterday, winning Kentucky by the narrowest of margins. No, a loss would not have changed the nomination outcome. Yes, Bernie’s Oregon victory gives him good reason to push forward to California anyway. We are where we’ve remained.

Hillary will win, Bernie will not surrender. Clinton surrogates are getting increasingly impatient to get rid of him. Berners are feeling increasingly persecuted and wronged. It’s natural for Hillary fans to want her to turn to dealing with Trump. Bernie cannot mathematically catch up.

But Berners have at least as much ground to stand on. They have two main points. First, Hillary has benefitted from a home field advantage. Whether it’s DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz strategically weighing in, anger over the Nevada state convention process, or concerns over voting irregularities, Berners feel the deck was stacked. Continue reading